Ultra-detailed analysis and solutions of common defects in PC injection molding

Polycarbonate (PC) is an engineering plastic with excellent performance. It not only has high transparency and excellent impact toughness, but also is creep-resistant, non-toxic, has a wide operating temperature range, good dimensional stability, excellent electrical insulation and good weather resistance, so it is widely used in instrumentation, lighting appliances, electronic and electrical equipment, household appliances, packaging and other industries. In addition, with the rapid advancement of polymer material technology, new modified varieties of polymer materials continue to emerge, which also greatly expands its application fields. At the same time, its processing technology has attracted more and more attention from all aspects.

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During injection molding process, it is a common phenomenon for products to shrink and dent. Main reasons for this situation are: Machine aspect (1) If nozzle hole is too large, melt will flow back and cause shrinkage; if it is too small, resistance will be large and amount of material will be insufficient, causing shrinkage. (2) Insufficient clamping force will cause flash to shrink, so check whether there is any problem with clamping system. (3) If amount of plasticizing is insufficient, a machine with a large amount of plasticizing should be used to check whether screw and barrel are worn.