Design points of complex injection mold for printer drainer

Printer drain product is shown in Figure 1. Maximum dimensions of product are 226.59 mm * 44.58 mm * 67.80 mm; average thickness of plastic part is 1.00 mm, material of plastic part is ABS, shrinkage rate is 1.005, and weight of plastic part is 23.53 grams. Technical requirements for plastic parts are that there should be no defects such as peaking, underfilled injection molding, flow lines, pores, warping deformation, silver streaks, cold material, and jetting lines, and meet ROSH environmental protection requirements.

Usage of injection speed and precautions for machine adjustment!

Proportional control of injection speed has been widely adopted by injection molding machine manufacturers. Although computer-controlled injection speed segmented control system has long existed, advantages of this machine setup are seldom exploited due to limited data available. This article will systematically explain advantages of applying multi-speed injection molding, briefly introduce its use in eliminating product defects such as short shots, trapped air, and shrinkage.