Large automobile air conditioner shell mold design ideas

Among automobile structural parts, air-conditioning housing is a representative product of relatively complex products. Today we will take air conditioner shell as an example to analyze design of its mold structure, which is of great practical reference value for everyone.

New structure of classic front mold stripping thread and rear mold lifter

In mold design, structure of front mold is also out of box, including lifter of front mold, slider of front mold, and inner slider of front mold. However, when encountering some consumer electronic products, in order to meet product assembly and function requirements, some products are designed with undercuts on the front and rear molds, as shown in product below, there are several rounds of undercuts with screw teeth on front mold, and threaded undercuts on back mold. How do these undercuts come out? Today I will share with you a classic structure of front mold stripping thread and rear mold lifter. I hope to give you some inspiration:

Analysis and solution to problem of insufficient mold opening force of injection molding machine

Mold opening force = mold opening oil pressure ring area × mold opening oil pressure If you want to increase mold opening force under condition that maximum pressure is determined, you can only increase area of mold opening oil pressure ring, and you can increase area of mold opening oil pressure ring by increasing diameter of cylinder or reducing diameter of piston rod.